Our Company's First Birthday!
We're making a video to celebrate our mission, and we want to invite you to be a part of it
Video Submissions Due April 1st 2021

Who: Dancers Ages 12+
What: Video (Up to 1 minute) or Picture
Of What: Your Dancing
That Showcases: What makes your dancing non-traditional
Send Where:
Include: Any info you want to appear on-screen with you (i.e. name, social media handle, inspirational message, etc.)
Celebrating What's Unique:
Traditions can be fun. Cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving is fun. Traditions can also be hindering, preventing us from having fair representation and equality, especially in the dance world. These stifling traditions are the reason we need to celebrate "non-traditional" qualities. If you are non-traditional, you are liberating. Someone somewhere looks at you and is refreshed and inspired. Help us celebrate Ballet Nocturne's first birthday by showing off what aspects of your dancing break the mold.
Take a short video or picture of yourself dancing that highlights your non-traditional features and send it to to be a part of our video. Every entry will be used as long as it is not hateful or inappropriate. Include any info in the email you'd like to appear on the screen with you (Name, dance studio/school/company, geographic location, your social media handles, a sentence about your dance journey, a message of inspiration, an exclamation of self-love, etc.)

The finished video will be uploaded to our Youtube page and shared through social media in order to promote participants and inspire other unconventional dancers. No money is being made off of this project.
We are taking videos and pictures of all styles of dance, however we'd be SUPER excited to receive some ballet ones. The world needs to know there are non-traditional ballet dancers out there!!!
Me and my biscuit feet can't wait to see your videos,
Joelle Szychowski
Director, Ballet Nocturne